It appears the latest Central Lincolnshire local plan for the area has already gone through a consultation process and is very close to being finalised, it is therefore unlikely it can be challenged. That said we are reviewing what can be done to re-address.
See the local plan.
With regards the excellent points raised by Councillor Powell in the Veolia Planning Hearing, and the fact they weren’t debated / picked up in the formal rejection letter, the advice is wait and see if Veolia appeal and then this can potentially form part of our counter argument.
With regards the current Veolia operations, lack of secure fencing, poor site conditions etc and whether or not planning permission is required for the bin storage. Contact:
County Enforcement Officer, Planning Monitoring and Enforcement, Unit 4, Witham Park House, Waterside South, Lincoln LN5 7JN
Tel: 01522 782070
Fax: 01522 554829
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